Thursday, October 28, 2010

We Dare You!

Hi everybody!  Today's post is about a very cool science experiment book called "We Dare You!".
Alright, first I would like to share with you a experiment that Gabe, my mom, and I did the other day.
The goal of the experiment was to throw an egg across a room without breaking it.  The photo above is how you need to start.  You need a bed sheet, an egg, and two books set at the corners.  You need to throw the egg towards the top of the sheet.  The three photos below are the results.

Did not come out to good, did it?

The book also has experiments like get a candle to relight itself, and move cardboard by staring at it.

If you would like to purchase "We Dare You!", you can purchase it here at

See you soon!  Sam.

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