Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hello, everybody today's post is special to me. The subject. . .CHINA!. First we will work with the top photo ( is it so cute or not ! ) Isn't it so sad one baby panda dies while a mother panda will take care of the other baby panda. Panda's honk, huff, bark, growl, croak, and squeal. Giant panda's love to do somersaults ! Panda's live life part alone. Now on to . . .CHINA! The Great Wall of China is 4,373 mile's! People in China have a “one-child policy”. This means they can only have one child.The Baiji, a freshwater dolphin is about 8 feet long, including its narrow, pencil-like beak. What a cool dolphin. Tiaoqi (Chinese checkers) and Xiangqi (Chinese chess) are favorite board games that sound cool. Time for fast fact's brought to you by Sam's side.Lion's can run the length of a football field in SIX SECONDS ! Fact's found in my big book of wild animals. I love this book! Check back next later for . . . . CHAD ! . Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an adorable panda. Is it a stuffed animal?

Love your post.
